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    Introduction to MicroK8s: Lightweight Kubernetes for Developers

    Kubernetes with a Lightweight and Efficient Distribution

    Andini Anissa

    Posted on June 27 2024, 12:48:18 pm

    Last updated on June 27 2024, 12:48:18 pm


    microk8s installation

    As the demand for container orchestration grows, Kubernetes has become the go-to solution for managing containerized applications at scale. However, setting up and maintaining a full-fledged Kubernetes cluster can be resource-intensive and complex, especially for developers looking to streamline their workflow. Enter MicroK8s, a lightweight and efficient Kubernetes distribution designed to simplify the development and testing of Kubernetes applications.

    What is MicroK8s?

    MicroK8s is a lightweight, single-package Kubernetes distribution developed by Canonical. It is designed to provide a fully functional Kubernetes environment with minimal overhead, making it ideal for development, testing, and even production workloads on small-scale to medium-scale environments.

    MicroK8s is packaged as a snap, making it incredibly simple to get started with Kubernetes, as MicroK8s bundles all the necessary components into a single, self-contained package.

    Key Features of MicroK8s

    • Ease of Installation and Use: MicroK8s can be installed with a single command on any Linux distribution that supports snaps. The installation process takes care of setting up all the necessary components, such as the API server, scheduler, and controller manager, and other Kubernetes components, allowing developers to focus on building and deploying their applications.
    sudo snap install microk8s --classic
    • Minimal Resource Consumption: Designed with efficiency in mind, MicroK8s consumes significantly fewer resources compared to a full Kubernetes cluster. This makes it ideal for running on developer workstations, low-powered devices, or edge environments.

    • Modular Architecture: MicroK8s features a modular architecture that allows users to enable or disable specific Kubernetes services and add-ons based on their needs. This includes popular add-ons like Helm, Istio, Prometheus, and more, which can be activated with a single command.

    • High Fidelity: Despite its lightweight nature, MicroK8s provides a production-grade Kubernetes environment that closely mirrors a full-scale (kubeadm) Kubernetes cluster. This ensures that applications developed and tested on MicroK8s will behave similarly when deployed to a larger Kubernetes environment.

    • Multi-Node Clustering: MicroK8s supports multi-node clustering, allowing developers to create a cluster of MicroK8s nodes for testing distributed applications and workloads. This feature is particularly useful for simulating production environments during the development phase.

    Key Benefits of MicroK8s

    • Developer-Friendly: MicroK8s simplifies the Kubernetes experience for developers by providing an easy-to-use, out-of-the-box solution. Its minimal setup time and low resource requirements make it a perfect choice for local development and testing.

    • Portability: MicroK8s can run on various Linux distributions, as well as on macOS and Windows through virtualization. This flexibility allows developers to work with Kubernetes on their preferred operating system without needing to set up a complex environment.

    • Cost-Effective: By reducing the resource overhead associated with traditional Kubernetes deployments, MicroK8s enables developers to use their existing hardware more efficiently. This can lead to significant cost savings, especially for small teams or individual developers.

    • Production-Ready: While MicroK8s is designed with development in mind, it is also suitable for production use in small-scale environments. Its modular architecture and support for high-fidelity Kubernetes features ensure that it can handle production workloads with ease.

    Comparison with Other Kubernetes Distributions

    When choosing a Kubernetes distribution, it's essential to understand how MicroK8s compares to other popular options like Minikube, K3s, and traditional Kubernetes.

    MicroK8s vs. Minikube

    • Installation and Setup: Both MicroK8s and Minikube offer simple installation processes, but MicroK8s' single-package snap installation is often more straightforward compared to Minikube's VM-based setup.

    • Resource Consumption: MicroK8s typically consume fewer resources than Minikube, making it more suitable for low-powered devices and environments.

    • Modularity: MicroK8s modular architecture allows users to enable or disable specific services as needed, providing greater flexibility than Minikube.

    MicroK8s vs. K3s

    • Target Use Case: K3s is another lightweight Kubernetes distribution optimized for edge computing and resource-constrained environments. While both MicroK8s and K3s aim to reduce resource consumption, MicroK8s focuses more on providing a seamless developer experience.

    • Installation: MicroK8s uses snap packages for installation, whereas K3s uses a single binary. Both are easy to set up, but MicroK8s' snap-based approach offers more integration with the Ubuntu ecosystem. Check our simple guides to create Kubernetes clusters with Microk8s.

    • Features: K3s is stripped down to remove some Kubernetes features to save resources, while MicroK8s retains a more complete set of Kubernetes functionalities, ensuring a higher fidelity to full-scale Kubernetes clusters.

    MicroK8s vs. Kubeadm

    • Complexity: Kubeadm clusters require significant setup and maintenance efforts, including configuring multiple nodes and components. MicroK8s simplifies this process with its single-package installation and automatic configuration.

    • Resource Requirements: Kubeadm also resource-intensive and may require dedicated hardware or cloud infrastructure. MicroK8s, on the other hand, is designed to run efficiently on a single machine with minimal resources.

    • Use Case: Kubeadm is best suited for large-scale production environments with complex requirements, whereas MicroK8s excels in development, testing, and small-scale production scenarios.


    MicroK8s is a powerful, lightweight Kubernetes distribution that offers a simplified and efficient way for developers to work with Kubernetes. Its ease of installation, minimal resource consumption, and modular architecture make it an excellent choice for local development, testing, and small-scale to medium-scale production environments. By understanding its key features and benefits, developers can leverage MicroK8s to streamline their workflow and accelerate their Kubernetes journey.

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